Online Pizza Ordering System Project using JSP and Servlet and MySQL



We have updated this project, changed the complete UI (frontend), and added more backend functionalities.

Important functionalities which we have added:

1) Add to Cart

2) Order

3) Delivery Status

4) Payment Option

5) Group Table Booking 

Screenshot of the Updated  project

Screenshot of the Updated  project

The "Online Pizza Ordering System" is a web-based Java project and has been deployed to override the problems prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardships faced by the existing system.

The Project is developed using JAVA, MYSQL, JSP, SERVLET, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT.

The project basically has two modules :)



  • Initially, when we run the project on the server we will be able to see the following Interface.
project on the server

  • Now, On the home page, we can see Available Pizza, Sign-up, Login, and Forgot Password. Without Login also User can see the Available Pizza. But, He can't do anything with it like a pizza order. For Ordering Pizza he has to log in first.

Let's first add the Pizza. For that first, we have to Register and Login as ADMIN

  • Let's register first as Admin.

register first as Admin

  • Here, each field is validated using JavaScript. Now, after entering all details when we click on the Register button our data will get added to the database and we will be redirected to the Login page.
  • Now let's log in by entering the proper details.

entering the proper details

validated using JavaScript

  • Now, when we click on the Login button, we will be redirected to HOME PAGE with a success message on the screen. And now, we can see more Options in the navigation bar like Add Pizza, Total Customer, Total Orders, My Profile, and Change Password.
click on the Login button

  • So, Let's first ADD PIZZA. Here I'm adding Veg Pizza. So for adding it, we have to enter all the proper details with a proper image of it.

proper details with a proper image

  • Now, when I click on Add Pizza button our Pizza will get added to Database and again we'll be redirected to the home page with a success message on the screen.

Pizza will get added to Database

  • Likewise, let's add more pizza. And after adding more pizza if the admin checks Available Pizza then he will be able to see the total Pizza. 

admin checks Available Pizza

  • As we can see, Admin gets the option to delete and update the pizza. Let's update the price of Pizza Anything 😂. So, for updating it we will just click the button Update of that row.

Admin gets the option to delete
  • So after updating the price when we click on the Update Pizza button our pizza will get updated and we will get a success message on the screen. 
Update Pizza button

  • Now, Let's delete 3rd pizza. So, when we click on the Delete button. Our Pizza will get deleted from the database and we will get a success message on screen.
click on the Delete button

click on the Delete button

  • After that Admin can also see his profile by clicking on My Profile.

  • And Admin can also change his password by clicking on Change Password.

  • Now, after entering a new password, when we click on the Change button, the password will get updated in the database and we will get a success message on the screen.

click on the Change button

click on the Change button

  • Admin can see the Total Customers by clicking on Total Customer in the navigation bar.  

clicking on Total Customer

  • Admin can see the Total Orders by clicking on Total Order in the navigation bar.

  • And Now let's Logout as admin and Register and login as Customer.
Register and log in as Customer
  • Let's Register as Customers same as Admin.
Register as Customers
  • When we click on the Register button customer will get registered as Admin.

customer will get registered as Admin

customer will get registered
  • Now we can Login as a customer.
Login as a customer
  • Now, the Customer can see Available Pizza and he can view the Pizza by clicking the View Pizza button.
view the Pizza by clicking
  • Let's View Veg Pizza.
View Veg Pizza

  • And Now, the Customer can select Pizza size and quantity to add the pizza to the cart. So we will add veg pizza into the cart.

  • Likewise, Let's add more pizzas to the cart. And after adding pizzas to the cart. When we click on My Cart we will be able to see all the pizzas in the cart.

add more pizzas to the cart

  • And now when we click on the Order button our order will get placed. And all pizzas will get deleted from My Cart and get added to My Orders with the total bills.

order will get placed

order will get placed

order will get placed

  • Like Admin, the customer can also see his profile and can change his password, can logout.
  • Now, suppose if the admin or customer forgets his password then they can change the password by knowing the contact number and username. So, Let's change the password of Admin.

change the password of Admin

  • After entering the proper contact number, username, and new password when the admin clicks on the Change button. A password will get updated in the database and we will able to see a success message on the screen.

entering the proper contact number

entering the proper contact number

  • In a similar manner, the customer can also change his password.

Other practical projects using React & Spring Boot 

1) Employee Management System using Spring Boot Microservices & React.

2) Hotel Management System using Spring Boot & React.

3) E-commerce Project using Spring Boot & React.

4) Gym Management System using Spring Boot & React.

Students can use this project for learning and can submit the project for their final year or Internship projects.


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