Online Banking System Project using Spring Boot + React JS + MySQL

banking application using spring boot and react js image

Online Banking System Project in Spring Boot and React Js

Banking Management System or Online Banking System is developed using React JS, Spring Boot & MySQL by using this application, Admin can add multiple Banks in the system. After adding Banks, Banks can log into the system register customers, and add their accounts, then Banks can do Bank Deposits and bank Withdraw for the customers. Also, customers can log into the system and do the account transfer intra-bank or inter-bank, Customers and banks can see the customer transaction history at any time, and they can also download the statement by selecting the time range.

This is a Major-level Full Stack project, that can be used by CSIT Final Year Students, and Post-Graduate Students for learning purposes. In this project, we have added lots of functionalities considering Real-time scenarios for Banking applications and this is developed using the latest version of Spring Boot by using Spring Boot 3 and Spring Security 6.



banking application using spring boot and react image js

Technologies Used in Banking Management System Project

1. Spring Boot (REST APIS)

We have developed an online banking system project using Spring Boot 3 and Spring Security 6.

2. React JS (Frontend)

3. MySQL for Database

4. Maven for project management

5. Bootstrap (Styling)

Software Used in Online Banking System Project

1. STS (Spring Tool Suite)

For developing our backend, task management system project using Spring Boot, we have used STS (Spring Tool Suite) or Eclipse Ide. But yes, we can use other IDEs also like Intellij Idea, NetBeans, etc.

2. VS Code (Visual Studio Code)

For developing our frontend, task management system project using react js, we have used VS Code (Visual Studio Code).

3. MySQL Workbench

For efficient querying and manipulation of our Project's information, we have used MySQL Workbench. 

Note: If we want to use databases other than Mysql like Postgresql or Oracle, etc we can use that also, for that, we have to do the simple configuration.

User Modules in Banking Management System Project

The project basically has three user modules:




Functional Modules in Banking Management System Project

1) User Authentication Module

The registration and Login system has been added so that only authenticated users (Admin, Bank, or Customer) can perform their functionalities. For authentication, we have used Spring Security and JWT.

2) Bank Module

Add Bank, View all Banks, Search Banks, Add Bank Manager, View Bank Managers.

3) Bank Customer Module: 

Add Bank Customer, View Bank Customers, Deactivate Bank Customer, Activate Bank Customer and, Search Bank Customers.

4) Bank Account Module: 

Add Customer Bank Account, View all Bank accounts, Lock Bank Account, Open Bank Account, and Search bank accounts.

5) Bank Transaction Module: 

Bank Deposit, Bank Withdraw, Account Transfer, Transaction History, Search Bank Transactions by time range, View Statement, Download Bank Account Statement and, Check Bank Balance.

Overview of Banking Management System Project

online banking system overview image

Online Banking application using Spring Boot and React js contains 3 modules i.e. Admin, Bank & Customer. Firstly Admin will register and log into the system, and after login, the admin can add multiple banks in the system. Once Banks are onboarded, Banks can log into the system to register their customers and thereby can add the Bank account for the customers.

After this Banks can also do Bank Cash Deposits and Bank Cash Withdraw for the customers by using their account numbers, also Since customers are registered by the Banks the customer can log into the system and do the Account Transfer (intra-bank or inter-bank) by selecting the receiver Bank and entering the correct account details like account no and Ifsc code.

After all the Transactions like Deposit, Withdrawal, and account Transfer, the customer can check the Available Bank Balance and the customer can see the transaction history at any time, he can view the bank account statement and can download the Bank Statement by selecting the time range.

Banks can deactivate their Customer at any time and Lock the Customer's Bank Accounts at any time, and if the Customer's account is locked or the Customer is deactivated then Bank Transactions like Deposit, Withdrawl or Money Transfer will not be allowed.

In the end, all the details like Onboarded Banks, Added Bank Accounts, and all the bank transactions done by the customers will be visible to the admin in his dashboard.

You can also read about Employee Management System Project using React Js and Spring Boot Microservices and MySQL.



1) Admin will be able to Register into the System.

For the admin register, we have separate URLs i.e (http://localhost:3000/user/admin/register)

2) Admin can log in to the System.

All Users (Admin, Bank & Customer) can log in to the system by selecting the role.

3) The Admin can register the Bank manager in the system in Online Banking System.

4) The Admin can view all the Bank Managers.

5) The Admin can add the Bank to the System.

add bank image

6) The Admin can view all the Banks.

view banks image

7) The Admin can view all the Customers from all the registered Banks.

view bank customer image

Admin can view all the customers from all the Banks and by clicking on the View Account Button, he can view the complete details about the Customer & his linked Account as shown below.

view account detail image

Also, from the above page, the Admin can download the bank statements of customers in PDF format by selecting the time range as shown below.

account statement image

8) The Admin can view all the Customer Bank Accounts from all the registered Banks.

bank accounts image

Admin can view all the customer Bank account statements account-wise by clicking on the View Statement Button as shown below.

view statement image

9) The Admin can view all the Bank Transactions of all the customers from all the Banks.


1) The Bank will be able to Register the Customers in their Bank.

2) The Bank will be able to see all the Bank Customers that which Bank has registered.

The bank can view all bank customers Also bank manager can search the customers by the customer name and the Bank Manager can deactivate their Customers at any time.

Also, the Bank can view the Bank Account by clicking on the View Account Button as shown below.

bank deposit, withdraw image

Also, from the above page, the Bank can download the bank statements of customers in PDF Format by selecting the time range as shown below.

Bank Deposit:

The bank can make the Bank Deposit in the customer's account by entering the amount to deposit.

Bank Withdrawl:

The bank can make the Bank Withdrawl from the customer's account by entering the amount to withdraw and if the amount is available then withdrawal will be successful.

3) The Bank will be able to view all the Banks Customer Accounts

The bank can view all the Bank accounts of their Customer and he can search the Bank Accounts by using the Bank Account Also at any time Bank Manager can Lock the account by clicking on the Lock Account button. Also, From here Bank Manager can view the Bank Statement of the Bank account by clicking on the View Button.

4) The Bank will be able to view all the Bank Transactions from their Bank Customer Accounts.


1) The Customer can view Details with his Bank Account details.

Also, from the above page, the Customer can download the bank statement in PDF format by selecting the time range as shown below.

2) The Customer can do the Money Transfer.

The customer can do the money transfer from his account to another account and it can be Intra-Bank or Inter-Bank account fund transfer.

account transfer image

3) The Customer can view his transaction history.

bank statement image

NOTE: (Click Me to check all the available projects)


Other useful projects using React & Spring Boot 

1) Employee Management System using Spring Boot Microservices & React.

2) Hospital Management System using Spring Boot & React.

3) E-commerce Project using Spring Boot & React.

4) Gym Management System using Spring Boot & React.

5) Train Ticket Booking System using Spring Boot Microservices & React.

6) Online Bike Service Booking System using Spring Boot & React.

7) Task Management System Project using Spring Boot & React.

8) Turf Booking System Project using Spring Boot & React.

9) Hotel Booking System using Spring Boot & React.

10) Airline Reservation System using Spring Boot & React.

11) Multi-Vendor E-commerce Project using Spring Boot & React.

12) Multi Restaurant Online Food Ordering Project using Spring Boot & React.

13) Online Job Portal using Spring Boot & React.

14) Courier Management System Project using Spring Boot & React.

15) Online Bidding System Project using Spring Boot & React.

16) Online Exam Portal Project using Spring Boot & React.

Students can use this project for learning and can submit the project for their final year or Internship projects.


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